My name is Beth, and I am an aspiring screenwriter in the UK. I am currently at the very beginning of my career, but even getting this far has been a journey.
Louis Hopper is our filmmaker of the Month for January!
Piotr Wysoczanski is our filmmaker of the Month for December!
Hi! I’m Olivia, a 22-year-old film producer navigating the indie filmmaking world. This is my story of doing a work experience placement at Sleepwalker Studios.
Anu Bopari is our filmmaker of the Month for October!
Claire Matthews is our filmmaker of the Month for September!
Harry Woods is our filmmaker of the Month for August!
Kiran Mensah is our filmmaker of the Month for July!
Jay Manari is the MFJF Filmmaker of the Month for June 2024. Read on to learn about his career so far...
Ella Muir is the MFJF Filmmaker of the Month for March 2024. Read on to learn about her career so far...