Echo, is an Italian and American production. The story is set in Rome, Miami and St. Augustine. Echo belongs to fantasy, mystery, action genre. During the 1550’s just before the spanish invaders arrive to St.Augustine, a shaman of the Timiucua indigen population does a spell which he encapsulated all of his powers in a medallion and it scatters all the spirits of its population into future generations predicting that they will be killed by the invaders. With him there is a young girl named Ela. After he does the spell they get killed.Luis a young man who lives in ST.Augustine, finds the medallion under the sand. He takes the medallion to Esmeralda, a psychic which does a spell to reactivate it and find the owner of it, in the meantime a girl named Deniz dreams the same scene simultaneously. The medallion arrives to Deniz, which is the reincarnation of a Timucuan spirit named Ela. She also hears the voice of her deceased grandmother, in which she tells to accept any gift that is given to her since her family origins had indigen spirits in their ancestors. When she wakes up her life enters into a mysterious alley. Deniz lives in rome and she is a painter. To see if the dream was true she finds the family tree in her house. She focuses specifically on a girl named Ela because she physically looks a lot like her.While Deniz takes a walk in a park in Rome, she starts hearing whispers of her name and following them finds the medallion near a water clock. When she takes the medallion she has a prediction of the future, where a friend of her is committing a suicide. She runs to save him. Going back home tries the medallion on and has another vision. She sees ELA and they start to communicate in a strange way with her. The medallion opens the gate between the past and present. Ela explaines to her that her spirit is in Deniz’s body.After one week, she travels to Miami to present her works at Art Basel in Miami exhibition. During the Art Basel the medallion activates and begins to control her. It leads her to Luis that was also present in her dream. In the meantime a group of treasure hunters want to stole the medallion from Deniz. Luis takes her to St.Augustine, he explains everything to her on their way. When they finally arrive to Esmeralda, she explaines to her that the medallion is very powerful and the Timicua are only the beginning of the reincarnation.When treasure hunters reach St.Augustine, Deniz with the medallion accomplishes to make a spell while having another vision to make them disappear. She finally feels ready to discover and use all the powers of the medallion, until when Luis reveals to be the enemy who wants to take it from her, since it has been activated.