I love a challenge and I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone to create new and innovative videos, stepping outside the blueprints of conventional media and expressing deep messages behind my work. I tend to think outside the box to express a particular message and seize the opportunity to be different. Media is fascinating to me because it ties in with my hobbies of visual arts. I create movies then use professional editing software to manipulate the clips to order them in such a way that creates a narrative. I really enjoy this because it captures my mind for hours at a time without realising it. I like to explore different genres of music because they convey diverse messages and emotions. I adore traveling and endeavor to experience as much as possible from the destination. This could stem from my ethnic background because I have travelled from a young age. My Caribbean heritage is important to me, which drives me to explore new places, learn more about cultures, normality’s and values of different locations around the world.please find my website at: https://sophieweller.myportfolio.com/work